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Customer center, Bollhoff


The building merges with the basement’s activities to form an exclusive journey for its visitors.

With the construction of its new customer center, the internationally
present-family-led firm in the fastening and assembly technology sector wishes to present the historic development of the company and its full range of services and technologies on an area of 360 square meters at its headquarters in Bielefeld. In addition to the specially-created exhibition space, the building should also house a new canteen, offices and seminar rooms. The new building connects to an L-shaped office building which was acquired in the 1980’s, and forms a small square from which one enters the new customer center. The three-storey structure takes over the attic height of the old building. In order to provide adequate ceiling height for the canteen and exhibition area, it was decided to build a half-storey down to canteen, and half a floor up to the exhibition and conference area. The area adjacent to the canteen was excavated so that floor-length windows could be created in this function area. To the south, a spacious terrace area has been created which is used by the canteen in the warmer months.

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